Please scroll down to the bottom of this page to see new materials:

What a joy! Thank you to everyone who joined me live for Trust Your Deepest Calling. If you couldn’t join us live, see below for the video replay and energy activation meditation. Please email me the inner guidance you received.

Trust Your Deepest Calling- Replay (recorded live on 2/28/24)


0-13 minutes- the topic Remembering Your Higher Self Frequency.

14- 29 minutes- guided meditation (see audio of meditation separately below)

29- 60 minutes- discussion, sharing, hot-seat coaching and close

Here’s the audio recording of the meditation separately:

The suggested homework: is to watch the replay above and listen to the meditation. Commit to taking incremental action based on the inner guidance you received. Carve out time in your calendar by eliminating activities that drain you (technology, phone, computer, etc.) to make room for the activities that reconnect you.

Bonus homework: here’s the full replay from the free workshop on February 14th in case you missed it and would like to review it:

Master Your Energy Sensitivity- Replay (recorded live on 2/14/24)


0-32 minutes- the topic Master Your Energy Sensitivity with slides

32- 44 minutes- guided meditation (see audio of meditation separately below)

44- 60 minutes- discussion, sharing, hot-seat coaching and close

Here’s the audio recording of the meditation separately:

Video Lesson #1: Uncovering Your Soul Qualities (2 minutes long)

The suggested homework: imagine how a stranger would describe you if they met you on vacation or on a good day when your in your lane. Begin a list of your own unique soul qualities.

Click the button below to go to the private page for Channeled Guidance.

Replay #2: Reconnect with Your True Essence, Uncover Soul Qualities(recorded live on 3/13/24)


0-19 minutes- the topic Reconnect with Your True Essence, Uncover Soul Qualities

20- 29 minutes- guided meditation (see audio of meditation separately below)

30- 52 minutes- discussion, sharing, hot-seat coaching and close

the list of examples of soul qualities that I put in the chat were: taking a stand for possibilities, seeing the best in others, nurturing, caring, appreciate beauty in present moment (nature, people, animals), learning/teaching, adventure/exploration, big picture, psychology, personal/spiritual growth, humor, creative expression, movement, physical health and vitality, innovator, non-conformist, art/music/performing, organize, analyze, make sense, puzzle solver, visionary and on and on!

The suggested homework: journal about how your soul lessons on your life path have led to current soul qualities and gifts.

Video Lesson #2: Trusting vs. Pushing (3 minutes long)

The suggested homework: journal about 3 times in your life when you created a desire by releasing and allowing synchronicity to show you the way. Bonus homework: begin a synchronicity journal so you can increase your ability to trust and create your desires with ease rather than struggle.

Click the button below to go to the private page for channeled guidance. A new audio recording has been added.

Replay #3: Staying True To You, prioritizing your alignment (recorded live on 3/27/24)


0- 16 minutes- the topic Staying True to You, Prioritizing Your Alignment

16- 37 discussion, sharing, hot-seat coaching

37- 44 minutes- guided meditation (see audio of meditation separately below)

44- 54 minutes- discussion, sharing, hot-seat coaching and close

The suggested homework: play the 7 day game and commit to your non-negotiable practices to get and stay in your lane more consistently.

Video Lesson #3: 4 Steps to Get Unstuck (5 minutes long)

The suggested homework: go through the 4 steps on the video above and write down all your answers. Check in with your answers daily and recommit to your plan if you veer.

Click the button below to go to the private page for channeled guidance. A new audio recording has been added.

You’re invited to the Individual Immersion that I mentioned at the end of the workshop.

A powerful weekly individual program (4 sessions over 4 weeks) for those of you who are ready to fully commit to trusting your calling, training your vibration, staying on track with accountability on a weekly basis.

I’ve never offered this before. I want to give an added incentive for those of you who are ready to fully commit to weekly sessions because when you commit fully there’s a powerful momentum and accountability that leads to a profound shift. When you sign up by 4/15 and schedule your 4 weekly sessions to begin anytime through 5/15, you will receive a gift of $150 off for your weekly commitment. You pay for 3 sessions and get the 4th one for free.

You will receive a brief survey so I can improve the program for the next round.

Thank you for joining me! Feel free to reach out with any questions maryellen@awakenyourtrueessence or text (845) 202-1717.


Mary Ellen