Channeled Guidance
Welcome to private page for Channeled Guidance.
All of the footage in the video below is taken by me on my meditative hikes before or after the channeled messages. I hope you enjoy these soul reminders!
See below for a new channeled guidance recording and transcript (added on 3/20/24).
“Greetings we are here and we wish to speak. We wish to speak about why your frequency matters so much. Why when you vibrate at your true essence frequency, your higher self frequency. Why is it that everything follows and your enjoyment level rises? From our perspective we wish to explain that when you are vibrating at the frequency of your higher self you are in your natural state you are the divine being you’re meant to be. And just as all the other natural beauty in the world of flowers and animals and landscapes, you too are a beauty to behold. So when you are vibrating at the frequency of your true self, your true birthright, you are vibrating at the frequency of nature and all of the beautiful assistance available to you in the form of divine orchestration of people, places, events, opportunities, come your way easily. Because we are able to signal you to the shortest path, the path of least resistance, the shortest path to your desires. We can speak to you, communicate with you through your inner guidance. When you’re connected to your higher self you are connected to source and you can receive inner guidance in the form of ideas and breadcrumbs. And when you follow when you trust your deepest calling and you follow those breadcrumbs. They lead to all kinds of joy and delight and fulfillment and extreme passion. The only time that you’re not vibrating at the frequency of your higher self is when you yourself are putting up an umbrella. The sun is always shining down, beaming down towards you. And when you put up the umbrella it is simply your human mind. The inner critic voices the worry about all the external circumstances looking at doubt and fear and scarcity rather than trust and openness and confidence. So it is a shift in frequency that is important to you because it changes your entire reality. It changes your experience on this planet and we wish to remind you that it is a muscle you can strengthen. So if you were ever able to vibrate at a high frequency and feel centered and alive and connected and in the flow, then of course you can do that again and if you did it if it happened by accident on vacation, you can recreate it but if you did it on purpose through practices, that is our favorite non negotiable practices to charge your battery to raise your frequency to tame your gremlin then you know firsthand how it shifts your entire experience. And when you are enjoying your experience because you are vibrating at your true nature, we are able to then assist you and we wish to mention that the universe orchestrates beautiful miracles. On your behalf when you show up and vibrate at your high frequency as well as take incremental action toward your desire. So following the breadcrumbs is your only job anchoring and owning and acknowledging your desire following the breadcrumbs figuring out all the details. Is not your job. It is not in your control. So rather than sitting back and complaining or being frustrated and impatient about all of your desires being just out of reach, we recommend stepping fully into anchoring with your higher self frequency getting and staying in your lane as much as possible. Enjoying your experience as well as being able to take the shortest the shortcuts toward your desires the shortest path and for now, we circle around and we go now.”
“Greetings. We are here and we wish to speak. We wish to speak of your focus and determination, your great ability to decide and act and implement and be on a mission and create a non negotiable plan for yourself and we recommend tapping into your inner warrior that sets clear time and energy boundaries. That has a clear strategy and plan to make sure that you charge your battery and that you implement the plan to strengthen your muscle to get and stay in your lane more consistently. So having a strong plan and a strong commitment, discipline, focus, determination is required in order for you to create the shifts you indeed desire. So many times many people go back and forth, fearing getting connected in veering feeling excited about their desire, believing in and then veering, getting distracted and feeling the insecurity and then going back into doubting of their desire. The resistance. So the veering is extremely painful because you know too much once you know how good it feels to be centered in your lane, consistently aligned. You cannot settle for less and if you haven’t experienced that for yourself, we recommend making a plan and deciding and acting with your determination and discipline and focus and proving to yourself so perhaps is a one week plan where you decide with a non negotiable attitude that you’re on a mission to do everything in your power to stay true to your non negotiables and those are the practices to charge your battery and get back in your lane and follow the breadcrumbs toward your desire the breadcrumbs feel exciting. This is the inspired action as opposed to action by default or action based on scarcity, motor fear insecurity. Ideally, you’re centered and clear in your lane and you act on inspired ideas. And those are the breadcrumbs that lead to the shortest path to your desire and you can release the attachment to the outcome and the timing and the details. To a certain degree, we are not saying sit back and put your order in and then sit back and don’t act. We are recommending acting from a place of power from a place of leverage when you act on your breadcrumbs that feel exciting. There’s a reason for that. They feel exciting because they are in the same vibration as your Higher Self frequency. Your desire is in that frequency as well. So if your desire for the next week is to strengthen the muscle to get and stay in your lane more consistently. And perhaps if you haven’t experienced it firsthand, you can decide that you’re going to prove it to yourself and don’t take score each and every day. Just simply decide to plan an act. And at the end of that week, we absolutely promise that you will feel more excited and have greater clarity and be more productive and you’ll know the difference between the breadcrumbs that feel exciting and inspired as opposed to the shots. And this is a muscle that we are strengthening that we are assisting you in strengthening and having a plan for the reset button is extremely helpful. Because inevitably you will fear and knowing that if you fear your only tool, your only best choice is to prioritize your connection once again and get back on track and do the things that you know charge your battery. So we wish to speak of this capacity for determination. And you all know that the human spirit has a great strength and power to it especially when people are dealt big external circumstances. You know that you were other people you’ve seen when their world turns upside down because of a diagnosis or a loved one perhaps passes away or someone gets fired or divorces all of these very loud external circumstances can happen and the resilience that people can have the capacity to call on. So in the example of a diagnosis when people know that they have to get in shape and change their diet and change their habits. That determination comes easily because they are fearful of the outcome if they don’t. So, in this scenario, when we are suggesting calling on your great determination, focus and discipline in order to create your desire, you are at the luxury of not having outside circumstances forced on you with a greater desire to overcome the obstacles of doubt. So in this case, it’s a choice but it does require an amplifying of this determination. And we also wish to give you the example that an olympic athlete does not wake up each morning and decide if they wish to practice or not. They based on the weather based on how they feel based on this or that they decide and act and they are determined and that is what we are wishing to call from you, your inner warrior simply so you can prove to yourself so you can have your own personal validation firsthand that this is this strengthening of this muscle is something that you desire so completely that you are willing to have the non negotiables the unapologetic determination to make it happen. And for now, we circle around and we go now”