Reclaim Your Inner Voice- videos below
You can watch all 3 videos at once or one at a time over the 3 days. This series is designed to help you get unstuck and reclaim, trust and act on your inner voice so you can confidently create your soul’s desires.
Suggested Homework for each video:
Video 1: clarify your desire
Clarify which area of your life is calling for a positive change? career, physical, relationships, home, finances or other (spiritual practice, adventure/travel, creative project, etc.)
Create a general statement of your desire. For example, if the area is your physical body the desire could be something like “I want to feel good in my body”, “I want to trim and tone and have more energy”, etc.
Make a list of 10 activities that feed your spirit, charge your battery, energize you. Pick 3 that you can do this week. Remember to eliminate activities that drain you like technology.
Video 2: tame your inner critic
Suggested Homework:
Identify the top 3 inner critic statements that are getting in the way of your desire. As you practice noticing it (rather than believing it) you begin to strengthen the muscle so your inner voice gets louder than your inner critic.
Video 3: take incremental action
Suggested Homework:
Commit each day to an incremental action toward your desire. Notice the relief you feel as you begin moving forward toward your desire. What’s possible in 2 weeks if you continue taking small incremental steps each day?